Source code for forest.geo

Geographic utilities module

Module to handle projection and sampling iof points for imaging.

.. autofunction:: stretch_image

.. autofunction:: web_mercator

.. autofunction:: plate_carree

    import cartopy
except ImportError:
    # ReadTheDocs unable to pip install cartopy

import numpy as np

import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.ndimage

    import datashader
    import xarray
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    datashader = None

[docs]def stretch_image(lons, lats, values, plot_height=None, plot_width=None): """ Do the mapping from image data to the format required by bokeh for plotting. :param lons: Numpy array with latitude values for the image data. :param lats: Numpy array with longitude values for the image data. :param values: Numpy array of image data, with dimensions matching the size of latitude and longitude arrays. :return: A dictionary that can be used with the bokeh image glyph. """ if lons.ndim == 1: gx, _ = web_mercator(lons, np.zeros(len(lons), dtype="d")) _, gy = web_mercator(np.zeros(len(lats), dtype="d"), lats) elif (lons.ndim == 2) and (lats.ndim == 2): gx, gy = web_mercator(lons, lats) gx = gx.reshape(lons.shape) gx = gy = gy.reshape(lats.shape) gy = else: raise Exception("Either 1D or 2D lons/lats") gx = extend_180(gx, lons) if datashader: x_range = (gx.min(), gx.max()) y_range = (gy.min(), gy.max()) image = datashader_stretch( values, gx, gy, x_range, y_range, plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, ) else: # TODO: Deprecate this method image = custom_stretch(values, gx, gy) # Image location x = gx.min() y = gy.min() if gx.ndim == 1: # 1D image extent dw = gx[-1] - gx[0] dh = gy[-1] - gy[0] else: # 2D image extent dw = gx.max() - gx.min() dh = gy.max() - gy.min() return { "x": [x], "y": [y], "dw": [dw], "dh": [dh], "image": [image] }
def datashader_stretch(values, gx, gy, x_range, y_range, plot_height=None, plot_width=None): """ Use datashader to sample the data mesh in on a regular grid for use in image display. :param values: A numpy array of image data :param gx: The array of coordinates in projection space. :param gy: The array of coordinates in projection space. :param x_range: The range of the mesh in projection space. :param y_range: The range of the mesh in projection space. :return: An xarray of image data representing pixels. """ if plot_height is None: plot_height = values.shape[0] if plot_width is None: plot_width = values.shape[1] canvas = datashader.Canvas( plot_height=plot_height, plot_width=plot_width, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, ) if gx.ndim == 1: # 1D Quadmesh xarr = xarray.DataArray( values, coords=[("y", gy), ("x", gx)], name="Z" ) image = canvas.quadmesh(xarr) else: # 2D Quadmesh xarr = xarray.DataArray( values, dims=["Y", "X"], coords={"Qx": (["Y", "X"], gx), "Qy": (["Y", "X"], gy)}, name="Z", ) image = canvas.quadmesh(xarr, x="Qx", y="Qy") return, mask=np.isnan(image.values)) def custom_stretch(values, gx, gy): if mask = values.mask else: mask = None image = stretch_y(gy)(values) if mask is not None: image_mask = stretch_y(gy)(mask) image =, mask=image_mask) ) return image def stretch_y(uneven_y): """Mercator projection stretches longitude spacing To remedy this effect an even-spaced resampling is performed in the projected space to make the pixels and grid line up .. note:: This approach assumes the grid is evenly spaced in longitude/latitude space prior to projection """ if isinstance(uneven_y, list): uneven_y = np.asarray(uneven_y, dtype=np.float) even_y = np.linspace( uneven_y.min(), uneven_y.max(), len(uneven_y), dtype=np.float ) index = np.arange(len(uneven_y), dtype=np.float) index_function = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(uneven_y, index) index_fractions = index_function(even_y) def wrapped(values, axis=0): if isinstance(values, list): values = np.asarray(values, dtype=np.float) assert values.ndim == 2, "Can only stretch 2D arrays" msg = "{} != {} do not match".format(values.shape[axis], len(uneven_y)) assert values.shape[axis] == len(uneven_y), msg if axis == 0: i = index_fractions j = np.arange(values.shape[1], dtype=np.float) elif axis == 1: i = np.arange(values.shape[0], dtype=np.float) j = index_fractions else: raise Exception("Can only handle axis 0 or 1") return scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates( values, np.meshgrid(i, j, indexing="ij"), order=1 ) return wrapped def to_180(x): y = x.copy() y[y > 180.0] -= 360.0 return y def extend_180(x, lons): y = x.copy() if np.any(lons > 180.0): y[lons > 180.0] += mercator_width() return y def mercator_width(): x_lims = return x_lims[1] - x_lims[0]
[docs]def web_mercator(lons, lats): gx, gy = transform( lons, lats,, ) return gx, gy
[docs]def plate_carree(x, y): return transform( x, y,, )
def transform(x, y, src_crs, dst_crs): x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y) xt, yt, _ = dst_crs.transform_points(src_crs, x.flatten(), y.flatten()).T return xt, yt