API reference

FOREST is a command line application built on top of the Bokeh library that harnesses the power of scientific software to visualise meteorological and oceanographic forecasts alongside observations.

Redux design pattern

As applications grow the number of components vying to keep their state synchronised becomes unwieldy. A better way to manage state is centralise it so that there is a single source of truth. The consequence of which is easy to replay, serialise and rehydrate applications.

For further reading, check out the redux.js docs

It also enables an easily unit testable system since state updates are pure function with easy to separate single responsibility components. Middleware components are plug and play, drop one in to add behaviour to your app without fear of altering existing behaviour.

class forest.redux.Store(reducer, initial_state=None, middlewares=())[source]

Observable state container

The redux design pattern is a simple way to keep track of state changes. A reducer combines an action with the current state to produce the next state. The reducer should be a pure function in the sense of not having side effects.

Non-pure behaviour can be incorporated through the use of middleware. Middleware takes an action and either passes it on, filters it, enriches it or emits new actions.

The store is an observable that emits states, views can register themselves with the store to receive the latest states as and when they are created.

>>> store.add_subscriber(listener)
  • reducer – function combines action and state to produce new state
  • initial_state – optional initial state, default {}
  • middlewares – list of middleware functions that intercept actions
static bind(middleware, store, actions)[source]

Flat map action generators from middleware into action generator


Apply reducer and notify listeners of new state

Parameters:action – plain dict consumed by the reducer
static pure(action)[source]

Embed action into action generator


Pass action through middleware/reducer pipeline


Simple combine passes action and state to all reducers

Returns:reducer function

Application state

Although the state in a redux store is defined by reducer functions, engineers need documentation to extend and understand State. Python dataclasses are a natural fit to make state self-describing.

Expressing data structure as a nested hierarchy of types allows readers of the code to understand how state is organised. It also allows for type-checking to simplify functions that manipulate state.

State can be generated programmatically, converted to/from dict to be compatible with reducers and to make it easier to serialize.

>>> state = forest.state.State()
>>> state.colorbar.name

Converting to/from dict can be achieved using State.to_dict() and State.from_dict()

>>> s1 = forest.state.State()
>>> d = s1.to_dict()
>>> type(d)
<class 'dict'>
>>> s2 = forest.state.State.from_dict(d)
>>> s1 == s2

The only caveat to be aware of while mapping to/from dict is that State implements default values for missing entries. A default State is not equal to an empty dict.

>>> forest.state.State().to_dict() == {}


State structure may change in future releases, backwards compatibility is not guaranteed

class forest.state.Bokeh(html_loaded: bool = False)[source]

Additional bokeh state

Image streaming behaves inconsistently when data is streamed before the DOM is ready, image_shape[t] is undefined errors are triggered in the compiled JS


HTML loaded is merely convenience and may be unnecessary in future bokeh releases

class forest.state.Borders(line_color: str = 'black', visible: bool = False)[source]

Cartopy border overlay settings

  • line_color (str) – Color of coastlines and country borders
  • visible (bool) – Turn all lines on/off
class forest.state.Colorbar(name: str = 'Viridis', names: list = <factory>, number: int = 256, numbers: list = <factory>, limits: forest.state.ColorbarLimits = <factory>, low: float = 0.0, high: float = 1.0, reverse: bool = False, invisible_min: bool = False, invisible_max: bool = False)[source]

Colorbar settings allow users to change palettes and limits based on data or user-specified limits

  • name – bokeh palette name
  • number – bokeh palette number
  • limits (ColorbarLimits) – user and column_data_source limits
  • reverse – reverse color palette order
  • invisible_min – hide/show values below minimum
  • invisible_max – hide/show values above maximum
class forest.state.ColorbarLimits(origin: str = 'column_data_source', column_data_source: forest.state.Limits = <factory>, user: forest.state.Limits = <factory>)[source]

Define user and column data source limits

  • origin (str) – either ‘user’ or ‘column_data_source’
  • column_data_source (Limits) – column_data_source limits
  • user (Limits) – user limits
class forest.state.LayerMode(state: str = 'add', index: int = 0)[source]

Data to control UI presented to user

Contains meta-data to indicate whether a layer is being edited or added. If the layer is being edited an index can be used to specify settings to overwrite.

  • state – Edit mode, either ‘edit’ or ‘add’
  • index – Index of layer being edited
class forest.state.Layers(figures: int = 1, index: dict = <factory>, active: list = <factory>, mode: forest.state.LayerMode = <factory>)[source]

Layer settings

  • figures – Number of figures to display
  • index – Map layer index to settings
  • active – List of active layers
  • mode (LayerMode) – Edit/new mode to define UI
class forest.state.Limits(low: float = 0.0, high: float = 1.0)[source]

Color map extent, high and low represent upper and lower limits respectively

  • low (float) – lower limit
  • high (float) – upper limit
class forest.state.Position(x: float = 0.0, y: float = -1000000000.0)[source]

X/Y position in WebMercator coordinates related to user interaction

  • x – coordinate of tap event
  • y – coordinate of tap event
class forest.state.Presets(active: int = 0, labels: dict = <factory>, meta: dict = <factory>)[source]

Re-usable layer settings

Presets are cooked up once and re-used anywhere, they can also be tweaked on the fly and instantly made available to all layers using them. They can also be serialised to disk to store/re-load them as needed

  • active (dict) – currently chosen preset
  • labels – map index to label
  • meta – data used by user interface
class forest.state.State(pattern: str = None, patterns: list = <factory>, variable: str = None, variables: list = <factory>, initial_time: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0), initial_times: list = <factory>, valid_time: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0), valid_times: list = <factory>, pressure: float = 0.0, pressures: list = <factory>, colorbar: forest.state.Colorbar = <factory>, layers: forest.state.Layers = <factory>, dimension: dict = <factory>, tile: forest.state.Tile = <factory>, tools: forest.state.Tools = <factory>, position: forest.state.Position = <factory>, presets: forest.state.Presets = <factory>, borders: forest.state.Borders = <factory>, bokeh: forest.state.Bokeh = <factory>)[source]

Application State container

Nested data structure to define components, views and behaviour.

  • pattern – User-selected value
  • patterns – Dataset-specific values
  • variable – User-selected value
  • variables – Dataset-specific values
  • initial_time – User-selected value
  • initial_times – Dataset-specific values
  • valid_time – User-selected value
  • valid_times – Dataset-specific values
  • pressure – User-selected value
  • pressures – Dataset-specific values
  • layers (Layers) – Layer-specific settings
  • colorbar (Colorbar) – Color mapper controls
  • tile (Tile) – Web map tiling configuration
  • tools (Tools) – Turn profile/time_series on/off
  • position (Position) – Used by tools to determine geographic position
  • presets (Presets) – Save colorbar settings for later re-use
  • borders (Borders) – Cartopy coastline, lakes and border settings
  • bokeh (Bokeh) – Additional bokeh state
classmethod from_dict(data: dict)[source]

Factory method to convert from dict to State

Returns:State instance
Return type:State

Map to dict representation of State

Returns:dictionary containing nested state data
Return type:dict
class forest.state.Tile(name: str = 'Open street map', labels: bool = False)[source]

Web map tiling user-settings

  • name (str) – Keyword to specify WMTS source
  • labels (bool) – Turn overlay labels on/off
class forest.state.Tools(time_series: bool = False, profile: bool = False)[source]

Flags to specify active tools

  • time_series (bool) – Turn time series widget on/off
  • profile – Turn profile widget on/off

Rx - Functional reactive programming

The basic data structue in functional reactive programming is a Stream

class forest.rx.Stream[source]

Sequence of events

An event is a value passed to a callback or listener. Most data structures exist in space, e.g. in RAM or on disk, but Streams exist in time.

Common operations on streams include map() and filter().


Remove repeated items

Parameters:comparator – f(x, y) that returns True if x == y
Returns:new stream with duplicate events removed

Emit items that pass a predicate test

Parameters:f – predicate function True keeps value False discards value

Re-transmit events on another observable

Returns:current stream

Make new stream by applying f to values

Returns:new stream that emits f(x)

Observer pattern

The most basic observer pattern simply calls one at a time each subscriber with a value that represents information important to the subscriber.

class forest.observe.Observable[source]

Basic observer design pattern


Append method to list of subscribers


Call subscribers with value

Time series

Support for time series uses the redux design pattern. The View reacts to State changes.

class forest.series.SeriesView(figure, loaders)[source]

Time series view

Responsible for keeping the lines on the series figure up to date.

classmethod from_groups(figure, groups)[source]

Factory method to load from FileGroup objects

render(initial_time, variable, x, y, visible, pressure=None)[source]

Update data for a particular application setting

class forest.series.SeriesLoader(paths)[source]

Time series loader

class forest.series.SeriesLocator(paths)[source]

Helper to find files related to Series


The full application state can be unwieldy for individual views to parse, especially if the details of its internals change. Instead of relying on Views to translate state into values, selectors can do that job on behalf of the view.


Select args needed by SeriesView.render()


If all criteria are not present None is returned

Returns:args tuple or None

Color palette

Helpers to choose color palette(s), limits etc.

UI components

The following components wire up the various bokeh widgets and event handlers to actions and react to changes in state. They are typically used in the following manner.

>>> component = Component().connect(store)
>>> bokeh.layouts.column(component.layout)
class forest.colors.ColorPalette[source]

Color palette user interface


Connect component to Store


Event-handler when a palette name is selected


Event-handler when a palette number is selected

on_reverse(attr, old, new)[source]

Event-handler when reverse toggle is changed


Helper to get widget settings


Render component from properties derived from state

class forest.colors.UserLimits[source]

User controlled color mapper limits


Connect component to Store

Convert state stream to properties used by render method.

Parameters:store (forest.redux.Store) – instance to dispatch actions and listen to state changes
on_input_high(attr, old, new)[source]

Event-handler to set user high

on_input_low(attr, old, new)[source]

Event-handler to set user low

on_invisible_max(attr, old, new)[source]

Event-handler when invisible_max toggle is changed

on_invisible_min(attr, old, new)[source]

Event-handler when invisible_min toggle is changed


Helper to get current state of widgets


Update user-defined limits inputs

class forest.colors.SourceLimits[source]

Event stream listening to collection of ColumnDataSources

Translates column data source on_change events into domain specific actions, e.g. set_source_limits(). Instead of connecting to a forest.redux.Store, simply subscribe store.dispatch to action events.

>>> source_limits = SourceLimits()
>>> for source in sources:
...     source_limits.add_source(source)
>>> source_limits.connect(store)


Unlike a typical component there is no layout property to attach to a bokeh document


Add ColumnDataSource to listened sources


Connect events to the Store


Calculate limits from underlying sources

on_change(attr, old, new)[source]

Generate action from bokeh event


Remove ColumnDataSource from listened sources

Most components are not interested in the full application state. The connect() method and state_to_props() are provided to only notify UI components when relevant state updates.

forest.colors.connect(view, store)[source]

Connect component to Store

UI components connected to a Store only need to be notified when a change occurs that is relevant to them, all other state updates can be safely ignored.

To implement component specific updates this helper method listens to store dispatch events, converts them to a stream of states, maps the states to props and filters out duplicates.


Map state to props relevant to component

Parameters:state – dict representing full application state
Returns:state["colorbar"] or None


A reducer combines the current state with an action to produce a new state

forest.colors.reducer(state, action)[source]

Reducer for colorbar actions

Combines current state with an action to produce the next state

Returns:new state
Return type:dict


Middleware pre-processes actions prior to the reducer

forest.colors.palettes(store, action)[source]

Color palette middleware

Encapsulates colorbar user interface logic. For example, if a user has chosen to fix their data limits, then set_limit actions generated by column data source changes are ignored


middleware is an action generator


Convenient functions to simplify color bar settings


Default color palette settings

    "name": "Viridis",
    "names": palette_names(),
    "number": 256,
    "numbers": palette_numbers("Viridis"),
    "low": 0,
    "high": 1,
    "reverse": False,
    "invisible_min": False,
    "invisible_max": False,


incomplete settings create unintuitive behaviour when restoring from a previously saved palette

Returns:dict representing default colorbar

All palette names

Returns:list of valid bokeh palette names

Helper to choose available color palette numbers

Returns:list of valid bokeh palette numbers


Actions are small pieces of data used to communicate with other parts of the system. Reducers and middleware functions can interpret their contents and either update state or generate new actions


Action to set multiple settings at once


Action to reverse color palette colors


Action to set color palette name


Action to set all available palettes


Action to set color palette size


Action to set available levels for color palette

forest.colors.set_source_limits(low, high)[source]

Action to set colorbar limits from column data sources


Action to set user defined colorbar higher limit


Action to set user defined colorbar lower limit


Action to mask out data below colour bar limits


Action to mask out data below colour bar limits

Key press interaction

This module provides a KeyPress observable to enable server side Python functions to subscribe to key events.

In addtion there is also a middleware function, navigate(), that maps key actions to navigation actions, e.g. next_valid_time() etc.

class forest.keys.KeyPress[source]

Key press server-side observable

To add this to an existing document, add the hidden_button to the document and update templates/index.html to click the button on page load

>>> key_press = KeyPress()
>>> document.add_root(key_press.hidden_button)

To observe the stream of actions generated by user key press events simply register a function via the subscribe method

>>> key_press.subscribe(print)


KeyPress.hidden_button must be added to the document to allow JS hack to initialise callbacks

forest.keys.navigate(store, action)[source]

Middleware to interpret key press events

It implements the following mapping of actions to allow other parts of the system to interpret the action

From To
ArrowRight Next valid time
ArrowLeft Previous valid time
ArrowUp Next initial time
ArrowDown Previous initial time


Non key press actions are passed on unaltered


Key press action creator

Parameters:code – str representing browser event.code
Returns:dict representing action

Configure application

This module implements parsers and data structures needed to configure the application. It supports richer settings than those that can be easily represented on the command line by leveraging file formats such as YAML and JSON that are widely used to configure applications.

class forest.config.Config(data)[source]

Configuration data structure

This high-level object represents the application configuration. It is file format agnostic but has helper methods to initialise itself from disk or memory.


This class is intended to provide the top-level configuration with low-level details implemented by specialist classes, e.g. FileGroup which contains meta-data for files

Parameters:data – native Python data structure representing application settings

Text format conventions


Dict of user-defined feature toggles

classmethod from_files(files, file_type='unified_model')[source]

Configure using list of file names and a file type

  • files – list of file names
  • file_type – keyword to apply to all files

instance of Config

classmethod load(path, variables=None)[source]

Parse settings from either YAML or JSON file on disk

The configuration can be controlled elegantly through a text file. Groups of files can be specified in a list.


Relative or absolute directories are declared through the use of a leading /

    - label: Trial
      pattern: "${TRIAL_DIR}/*.nc"
    - label: Control
      pattern: "${CONTROL_DIR}/*.nc"
    - label: RDT
      pattern: "${RDT_DIR}/*.json"
      file_type: rdt
  • path – JSON/YAML file to load
  • variables – dict of key/value pairs used by string.Template

instance of Config

classmethod loads(text, variables=None)[source]

Parse settings from either YAML or JSON string

The configuration can be controlled elegantly through a text file. Groups of files can be specified in a list.


Relative or absolute directories are declared through the use of a leading /

    - label: Trial
      pattern: "${TRIAL_DIR}/*.nc"
    - label: Control
      pattern: "${CONTROL_DIR}/*.nc"
    - label: RDT
      pattern: "${RDT_DIR}/*.json"
      file_type: rdt
  • text – JSON/YAML string
  • variables – dict of key/value pairs used by string.Template

instance of Config


Colorbar presets JSON file

A location on disk where colorbar settings can be saved/loaded. If the file does not exist it will be created by the application.

Use the following syntax to declare the presets file location

  file: ${HOME}/example/preset-save.json
Returns:location on disk to save colorbar presets

Turns web map tiling backgrounds on/off

use_web_map_tiles: false


This is best used during development if an internet connection is not available

class forest.config.FileGroup(label, pattern, locator='file_system', file_type='unified_model', directory=None, database_path=None)[source]

Meta-data needed to describe group of files

To describe a collection of related files extra meta-data is needed. For example, the type of data contained within the files or how data is catalogued and searched.


This class violates the integration separation principle (ISP) all driver settings are included in the same constructor

  • label – decription used by buttons and tooltips
  • pattern – wildcard pattern used by either SQL or glob
  • locator – keyword describing search method (default: ‘file_system’)
  • file_type – keyword describing file contents (default: ‘unified_model’)
  • directory – leaf/absolute directory where file(s) are stored (default: None)

Load configuration from a file

forest.config.from_files(files, file_type)[source]

Define configuration with a list of files

Geographic utilities module

Module to handle projection and sampling iof points for imaging.

forest.geo.stretch_image(lons, lats, values, plot_height=None, plot_width=None)[source]

Do the mapping from image data to the format required by bokeh for plotting.

  • lons – Numpy array with latitude values for the image data.
  • lats – Numpy array with longitude values for the image data.
  • values – Numpy array of image data, with dimensions matching the size of latitude and longitude arrays.

A dictionary that can be used with the bokeh image glyph.

forest.geo.web_mercator(lons, lats)[source]
forest.geo.plate_carree(x, y)[source]


User configured settings can be saved, edited and deleted.

UI components

class forest.presets.PresetUI[source]

User interface to load/save/edit presets

>>> preset_ui = PresetUI().connect(store)

Convenient method to map state to props needed by render

on_load(attr, old, new)[source]

Notify listeners that a load action has taken place


Notify listeners that a save action has taken place


forest.presets.reducer(state, action)[source]

Presets reducer

Returns:next state


Middleware pre-processes actions prior to the reducer

forest.presets.middleware(store, action)[source]

Presets middleware

Generates actions given current state and an incoming action. Encapsulates the business logic surrounding saving, editing and creating presets.



Converts application state to props used by user interface


A simple grammar used to communicate between components.


Action to save a preset


Action to load a preset by label


Action to remove a preset


Action to select default display mode


Action to select edit display mode


Action to set edit mode label


Action to signal save clicked


Action to signal edit clicked


Action to signal new clicked


Action to signal cancel clicked


Application wide services to de-couple components. For example, components need access to navigation to populate dropdown menus and widgets.