Source code for forest.presets


User configured settings can be saved, edited and deleted.

UI components

.. autoclass:: PresetUI


.. autofunction:: reducer


Middleware pre-processes actions prior to the reducer

.. autofunction:: middleware


.. autofunction:: state_to_props


A simple grammar used to communicate between components.

.. autofunction:: save_preset

.. autofunction:: load_preset

.. autofunction:: remove_preset

.. autofunction:: set_default_mode

.. autofunction:: set_edit_mode

.. autofunction:: set_edit_label

.. autofunction:: on_save

.. autofunction:: on_edit

.. autofunction:: on_new

.. autofunction:: on_cancel

import json
import copy
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.layouts
from forest.observe import Observable
from forest import colors, redux, rx, encode

# Action kinds

# Display modes

# Global to implement singleton

def proxy_storage(file_name):
    # Per-server colorbar presets storage (Consider refactor)
    global _STORAGE
    if _STORAGE is None:
        _STORAGE = Storage(file_name)
    return _STORAGE

[docs]def save_preset(label): """Action to save a preset""" return {"kind": PRESET_SAVE, "payload": label}
[docs]def load_preset(label): """Action to load a preset by label""" return {"kind": PRESET_LOAD, "payload": label}
def set_labels(labels): """Action to set multiple labels""" return {"kind": PRESET_SET_LABELS, "payload": labels}
[docs]def remove_preset(): """Action to remove a preset""" return {"kind": PRESET_REMOVE}
[docs]def set_default_mode(): """Action to select default display mode""" return {"kind": PRESET_SET_META, "meta": {"mode": DEFAULT}}
[docs]def set_edit_mode(): """Action to select edit display mode""" return {"kind": PRESET_SET_META, "meta": {"mode": EDIT}}
[docs]def set_edit_label(label): """Action to set edit mode label""" return {"kind": PRESET_SET_META, "meta": {"label": label}}
[docs]def on_save(label): """Action to signal save clicked""" return {"kind": PRESET_ON_SAVE, "payload": label}
def on_load(label): """Action to signal load clicked""" return {"kind": PRESET_ON_LOAD, "payload": label}
[docs]def on_edit(): """Action to signal edit clicked""" return {"kind": PRESET_ON_EDIT}
[docs]def on_new(): """Action to signal new clicked""" return {"kind": PRESET_ON_NEW}
[docs]def on_cancel(): """Action to signal cancel clicked""" return {"kind": PRESET_ON_CANCEL}
[docs]def state_to_props(state): """Converts application state to props used by user interface""" query = Query(state) return query.labels, query.display_mode, query.edit_label
class Middleware: def __init__(self, storage): = storage def __call__(self, store, action): kind = action["kind"] if kind == PRESET_ON_SAVE: label = action["payload"] settings = store.state.get("colorbar", {}), settings) elif kind == PRESET_ON_LOAD: label = action["payload"] yield colors.set_colorbar( else: # Maintain label consistency between storage and state state_labels = Query(store.state).labels storage_labels = if len(set(state_labels) ^ set(storage_labels)) > 0: labels = list(set(state_labels) | set(storage_labels)) yield set_labels(labels) yield action class Storage: """Store colorbar settings in memory or on disk .. note:: :py:func:`copy.deepcopy` is used to prevent mutable references to stored data :param file_name: optional file to save settings """ def __init__(self, file_name=None): self.file_name = file_name if self.file_name is not None: try: with open(self.file_name, "r") as stream: _records = json.load(stream) except FileNotFoundError: _records = {} else: _records = {} self._records = _records def labels(self): return [key for key in self._records.keys()] def save(self, label, settings): self._records[label] = copy.deepcopy(settings) if self.file_name is not None: with open(self.file_name, "w") as stream: json.dump(self._records, stream, cls=encode.NumpyEncoder) def load(self, label): return copy.deepcopy(self._records[label])
[docs]def middleware(store, action): """Presets middleware Generates actions given current state and an incoming action. Encapsulates the business logic surrounding saving, editing and creating presets. """ kind = action["kind"] if kind == PRESET_ON_SAVE: yield save_preset(action["payload"]) yield set_default_mode() elif kind == PRESET_ON_LOAD: # Translate on_load() to load_preset() action yield load_preset(action["payload"]) elif kind == PRESET_ON_CANCEL: yield set_default_mode() elif kind == PRESET_ON_EDIT: yield set_edit_label(Query(store.state).label) yield set_edit_mode() elif kind == PRESET_ON_NEW: yield set_edit_label("") yield set_edit_mode() else: yield action
[docs]def reducer(state, action): """Presets reducer :returns: next state """ state = copy.deepcopy(state) kind = action["kind"] if kind == PRESET_SAVE: label = action["payload"] _insert(state, label) elif kind == PRESET_LOAD: label = action["payload"] uid = Query(state).find_id(label) state["presets"]["active"] = uid elif kind == PRESET_REMOVE: uid = state["presets"]["active"] del state["presets"]["labels"][uid] del state["presets"]["active"] elif kind == PRESET_SET_META: if "presets" not in state: state["presets"] = {} if "meta" not in state["presets"]: state["presets"]["meta"] = {} state["presets"]["meta"].update(action["meta"]) elif kind == PRESET_SET_LABELS: labels = action["payload"] for label in labels: _insert(state, label) return state
def _insert(state, label): try: uid = Query(state).find_id(label) except IDNotFound: uid = new_id(Query(state).all_ids) if "presets" not in state: state["presets"] = {} if "labels" not in state["presets"]: state["presets"]["labels"] = {} state["presets"]["labels"][uid] = label class IDNotFound(Exception): pass class Query: """Helper to retrieve values stored in state""" def __init__(self, state): self.state = state @property def labels(self): return list(self.state.get("presets", {}).get("labels", {}).values()) @property def display_mode(self): return ( self.state.get("presets", {}).get("meta", {}).get("mode", DEFAULT) ) @property def edit_label(self): """Label used by UI to allow user to save/edit""" return self.state.get("presets", {}).get("meta", {}).get("label", "") @property def all_ids(self): return set(self.state.get("presets", {}).get("labels", {}).keys()) def find_id(self, label): labels = self.state.get("presets", {}).get("labels", {}) for id, _label in labels.items(): if _label == label: return id raise IDNotFound("'{}' not found".format(label)) @property def label(self): if "presets" not in self.state: return "" if "active" not in self.state["presets"]: return "" uid = self.state["presets"]["active"] return self.state["presets"]["labels"][uid] def new_id(ids): if len(ids) == 0: return 0 return max(ids) + 1
[docs]class PresetUI(Observable): """User interface to load/save/edit presets >>> preset_ui = PresetUI().connect(store) """ def __init__(self): = bokeh.models.Select()"value", self.on_load) self.text_input = bokeh.models.TextInput(placeholder="Save name") self.buttons = { "edit": bokeh.models.Button(label="Edit"), "new": bokeh.models.Button(label="New"), "cancel": bokeh.models.Button(label="Cancel"), "save": bokeh.models.Button(label="Save"), } self.buttons["save"].on_click(self.on_save) self.buttons["new"].on_click(self.on_new) self.buttons["edit"].on_click(self.on_edit) self.buttons["cancel"].on_click(self.on_cancel) width = 320 self.children = { DEFAULT: [, self.buttons["edit"], self.buttons["new"]], EDIT: [ self.text_input, self.buttons["cancel"], self.buttons["save"], ], } self.rows = { "title": bokeh.layouts.row( bokeh.models.Div(text="Presets:"), width=width ), "content": bokeh.layouts.row(self.children[DEFAULT], width=width), } self.layout = bokeh.layouts.column( self.rows["title"], self.rows["content"] ) super().__init__()
[docs] def connect(self, store): """Convenient method to map state to props needed by render""" self.add_subscriber(store.dispatch) stream = ( rx.Stream() .listen_to(store) .map(state_to_props) .filter(lambda x: x is not None) .distinct() ) props: self.render(*props)) return self
[docs] def on_save(self): """Notify listeners that a save action has taken place""" label = self.text_input.value if label != "": self.notify(on_save(label))
[docs] def on_load(self, attr, old, new): """Notify listeners that a load action has taken place""" self.notify(on_load(new))
def on_new(self): self.notify(on_new()) def on_edit(self): self.notify(on_edit()) def on_cancel(self): self.notify(on_cancel()) def render(self, labels, mode, edit_label): # TODO: Add support for DEFAULT/EDIT mode layouts self.rows["content"].children = self.children[mode] = list(sorted(labels)) self.text_input.value = edit_label