Source code for forest.redux

Redux design pattern

As applications grow the number of components
vying to keep their state synchronised becomes unwieldy.
A better way to manage state is centralise it
so that there is a single source of truth. The
consequence of which is easy to replay, serialise
and rehydrate applications.

For further reading, check out the redux.js docs


It also enables an easily unit testable system
since state updates are pure function with easy to
separate single responsibility components. Middleware
components are plug and play, drop one in to add
behaviour to your app without fear of altering
existing behaviour.

.. autoclass:: Store

.. autofunction:: combine_reducers

import copy
import queue
from functools import wraps
from forest.observe import Observable
from forest.export import export
from typing import Callable, Iterable

# Type aliases
Action = dict
State = dict
Reducer = Callable[[State, Action], State]
Middleware = Callable[["Store", Action], Iterable[Action]]

__all__ = []

[docs]@export def combine_reducers(*reducers): """Simple combine passes action and state to all reducers :returns: reducer function """ def wrapped(state, action): state = copy.deepcopy(state) for reducer in reducers: state = reducer(state, action) return state return wrapped
[docs]@export class Store(Observable): """Observable state container The redux design pattern is a simple way to keep track of state changes. A reducer combines an action with the current state to produce the next state. The reducer should be a pure function in the sense of not having side effects. Non-pure behaviour can be incorporated through the use of middleware. Middleware takes an action and either passes it on, filters it, enriches it or emits new actions. The store is an observable that emits states, views can register themselves with the store to receive the latest states as and when they are created. >>> store.add_subscriber(listener) :param reducer: function combines action and state to produce new state :param initial_state: optional initial state, default {} :param middlewares: list of middleware functions that intercept actions """ def __init__(self, reducer, initial_state=None, middlewares=()): self.reducer = reducer self.state = initial_state if initial_state is not None else {} self.middlewares = middlewares self.in_progress = False self.queue = queue.Queue() super().__init__()
[docs] def dispatch(self, action): """Apply reducer and notify listeners of new state :param action: plain dict consumed by the reducer """ if self.in_progress: # Add asynchronous action to backlog self.queue.put(action) return # Synchronous processing self.sync_process(action) # Process backlog while not self.queue.empty(): next_action = self.queue.get() self.sync_process(next_action) self.queue.task_done()
[docs] def sync_process(self, action): """Pass action through middleware/reducer pipeline""" actions = self.pure(action) for middleware in self.middlewares: actions = self.bind(middleware, self, actions) for _action in actions: self.state = self.reducer(self.state, _action) self.in_progress = True self.notify(self.state) self.in_progress = False
[docs] @staticmethod def pure(action): """Embed action into action generator""" yield action
[docs] @staticmethod def bind(middleware, store, actions): """Flat map action generators from middleware into action generator""" for action in actions: yield from middleware(store, action)