Source code for forest.series

Time series

Support for time series uses the redux
design pattern. The View reacts to State

.. autoclass:: SeriesView

.. autoclass:: SeriesLoader

.. autoclass:: SeriesLocator


The full application state can be unwieldy for individual
views to parse, especially if the details of its internals
change. Instead of relying on Views to translate state
into values, selectors can do that job on behalf of the view.

.. autofunction:: select_args

import datetime as dt
import glob
import os
from itertools import cycle
from collections import defaultdict
import bokeh.palettes
import bokeh.models
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
from forest import geo
from forest.observe import Observable
from forest.redux import Action
from forest.util import initial_time as _initial_time
from forest.util import to_datetime as _to_datetime
from forest.screen import SET_POSITION

    import iris
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    iris = None
    # ReadTheDocs can't import iris

[docs]def select_args(state): """Select args needed by :func:`SeriesView.render` .. note:: If all criteria are not present None is returned :returns: args tuple or None """ if any( att not in state for att in ["variable", "initial_time", "position"] ): return if "pressure" in state: optional = (state["pressure"],) else: optional = () return ( _to_datetime(state["initial_time"]), state["variable"], state["position"]["x"], state["position"]["y"], state["tools"]["time_series"], ) + optional
[docs]class SeriesView(Observable): """Time series view Responsible for keeping the lines on the series figure up to date. """ def __init__(self, figure, loaders): self.figure = figure self.loaders = loaders self.sources = {} circles = [] items = [] colors = cycle(bokeh.palettes.Colorblind[6][::-1]) for name in self.loaders.keys(): source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( { "x": [], "y": [], } ) color = next(colors) r = self.figure.line( x="x", y="y", color=color, line_width=1.5, source=source ) r.nonselection_glyph = bokeh.models.Line( line_width=1.5, line_color=color ) c ="x", y="y", color=color, source=source) c.selection_glyph = bokeh.models.Circle(fill_color="red") c.nonselection_glyph = bokeh.models.Circle( fill_color=color, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0 ) circles.append(c) items.append((name, [r])) self.sources[name] = source legend = bokeh.models.Legend( items=items, orientation="horizontal", click_policy="hide" ) self.figure.add_layout(legend, "below") tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool( tooltips=[("Time", "@x{%F %H:%M}"), ("Value", "@y")], formatters={"x": "datetime"}, ) self.figure.add_tools(tool) tool = bokeh.models.TapTool(renderers=circles) self.figure.add_tools(tool) super().__init__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_groups(cls, figure, groups): """Factory method to load from :class:`~forest.config.FileGroup` objects""" loaders = {} for group in groups: if group.file_type == "unified_model": pattern = group.full_pattern loaders[group.label] = SeriesLoader.from_pattern(pattern) return cls(figure, loaders)
[docs] def render(self, initial_time, variable, x, y, visible, pressure=None): """Update data for a particular application setting""" if visible: assert isinstance( initial_time, dt.datetime ), "only support datetime" self.figure.title.text = variable for name, source in self.sources.items(): loader = self.loaders[name] lon, lat = geo.plate_carree(x, y) lon, lat = lon[0], lat[0] # Map to scalar = loader.series( initial_time, variable, lon, lat, pressure )
[docs]class SeriesLoader(object): """Time series loader""" def __init__(self, paths): self.locator = SeriesLocator(paths) @classmethod def from_pattern(cls, pattern): return cls(sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(pattern)))) def series(self, initial_time, variable, lon0, lat0, pressure=None): data = {"x": [], "y": []} paths = self.locator.locate(initial_time) for path in paths: segment = self.series_file( path, variable, lon0, lat0, pressure=pressure ) data["x"] += list(segment["x"]) data["y"] += list(segment["y"]) return data def series_file(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return self._load_netcdf4(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: print( "WARNING: exception in loading revert to iris.load_cube ", type(ex).__name__, ) return self._load_cube(*args, **kwargs) def _load_cube(self, path, variable, lon0, lat0, pressure=None): """Constrain data loading to points required""" cube = iris.load_cube(path, variable) # reference longitude axis by "axis='X'" and latitude axis as axis='Y', # to accommodate various types of coordinate system. # e.g. 'grid_longitude'. See iris.utils.guess_coord_axis. if cube.coord(axis="X").points[-1] > 180.0: # get circular longitude values lon0 = iris.analysis.cartography.wrap_lons( np.asarray(lon0), 0, 360 ) # Construct constraint coord_values = { cube.coord(axis="X").standard_name: lon0, cube.coord(axis="Y").standard_name: lat0, } if pressure is not None and "pressure" in [ for coord in cube.coords() ]: ptol = 0.01 * pressure coord_values["pressure"] = ( lambda cell: (pressure - ptol) < cell < (pressure + ptol) ) cube = cube.extract(iris.Constraint(coord_values=coord_values)) assert cube is not None # Get validity times and data values # list the validity times as datetime objects time_coord = cube.coord("time") times = time_coord.units.num2date(time_coord.points).tolist() values = return {"x": times, "y": values} def _load_netcdf4(self, path, variable, lon0, lat0, pressure=None): with netCDF4.Dataset(path) as dataset: try: var = dataset.variables[variable] except KeyError: return {"x": [], "y": []} lons = geo.to_180(self._longitudes(dataset, var)) lats = self._latitudes(dataset, var) i = np.argmin(np.abs(lons - lon0)) j = np.argmin(np.abs(lats - lat0)) times = self._times(dataset, var) values = var[..., j, i] if ("pressure" in var.coordinates) or ( "pressure" in var.dimensions ): pressures = self._pressures(dataset, var) if len(var.dimensions) == 3: pts =, pressure) values = values[pts] try: times = times[pts] except TypeError: times = [times] else: mask =, pressure) values = values[:, mask][:, 0] return {"x": times, "y": values} @staticmethod def _times(dataset, variable): """Find times related to variable in dataset""" time_dimension = variable.dimensions[0] coordinates = variable.coordinates.split() for c in coordinates: if c.startswith("time"): try: var = dataset.variables[c] return netCDF4.num2date(var[:], units=var.units) except KeyError: pass for v, var in dataset.variables.items(): if len(var.dimensions) != 1: continue if v.startswith("time"): d = var.dimensions[0] if d == time_dimension: return netCDF4.num2date(var[:], units=var.units) def _pressures(self, dataset, variable): return self._dimension("pressure", dataset, variable) def _longitudes(self, dataset, variable): return self._dimension("longitude", dataset, variable) def _latitudes(self, dataset, variable): return self._dimension("latitude", dataset, variable) @staticmethod def _dimension(prefix, dataset, variable): for d in variable.dimensions: if not d.startswith(prefix): continue if d in dataset.variables: return dataset.variables[d][:] for c in variable.coordinates.split(): if not c.startswith(prefix): continue if c in dataset.variables: return dataset.variables[c][:] @staticmethod def search(pressures, pressure, rtol=0.01): return np.abs(pressures - pressure) < (rtol * pressure)
[docs]class SeriesLocator(object): """Helper to find files related to Series""" def __init__(self, paths): self.paths = paths self.table = defaultdict(list) for path in paths: time = _initial_time(path) if time is None: try: with netCDF4.Dataset(path) as dataset: var = dataset.variables["forecast_reference_time"] time = netCDF4.num2date(var[:], units=var.units) except KeyError: continue self.table[self.key(time)].append(path) def initial_times(self): return np.array(list(self.table.keys()), dtype="datetime64[s]") def locate(self, initial_time): if isinstance(initial_time, str): return self.table[initial_time] if isinstance(initial_time, np.datetime64): initial_time = initial_time.astype(dt.datetime) return self.table[self.key(initial_time)] __getitem__ = locate @staticmethod def key(time): try: return "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(time) except TypeError: return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")